
100% of proceeds from sales of this t-shirt go directly to Defend The Guard efforts in Pennsylvania.

Defend the Guard legislation would prohibit a state’s National Guard units from being deployed into active combat without a formal declaration of war by Congress, as provided by the U.S. Constitution.

The goals of Defend the Guard are to:

  1. Increase public awareness that the states and their voters have a role in deciding when our sons and daughters go to war.
  2. Pass “Defend the Guard” legislation in a requisite number of states to compel Congress, out of military necessity, to reassert its authority under the U.S. Constitution and take charge of when, where, and how our nation goes to war.
  3. Return to a constitutional foreign policy of a limited-government republic by bringing our troops home, ending our endless wars, and only using military force when required to protect the lives, liberty, and property of Americans.

A pin is no ordinary accessory—it’s a globally-recognized statement piece for showing opinions on subjects that matter. These Tecre brand pins feature a steel inner shell, pinned magnetic metal backing, and glossy mylar/UV cover for durability. The cover also protects our designs from scratching and fading in the sun. Choose any (or all) of the four available sizes to sell online.

.: Materials: steel inner shell and mylar/UV cover
.: Available in 4 sizes
.: Pinned magnetic metal backing
.: Scratch-resistant glossy finish


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